NECO charges a modest fee for employers to post job listings on the NECO Job Board. Proceeds from these fees go toward supporting administration of the Job Board.
Regular job listings: Remain live for 90 days, after which they may be renewed.
Featured job listings: Highlighted in a different color from regular job listings and pinned to the top of the job listing. Remain live for 90 days, after which they may be renewed.
We have four fee plans available:
- Post one job on the Job Board: $1.00
- Post one featured job on the Job Board: $5.00
- Post five jobs on the Job Board: $4.00
- Post five featured jobs on the Job Board: $20.00
Select your plan below. We accept all major credit cards.
- 1. Select plan
- 2. Create listing
- 3. Preview listing
- 4. Purchase
{{selected_plan.price|formatPrice}} {{selected_plan.billing_cycle|formatBillingCycle}}
{{formatJobSlots(selected_plan.job_slots)}} {{selected_plan.billing_cycle|formatBillingCycle}}